Monday, May 21, 2012

None of the stores are open on Sundays, so today is the day to buy groceries.  I walked the 5 or 6 blocks to the store and got fresh veggies (asparagus is REALLY in season) and a jar of pickles.  Before we left for Prague, at the bookstore in the Frankfurt train station, I found this great book, The Magician King by Lev Grossman.  Wonderful magic and fantastic writing.  He's written two others, The Codex (first book) and The Magicians (second book).  But how to get them?  Can't get Amazon to deliver to Germany. Next to the Rewe Market is a small German bookstore.    I step in, three German guys sitting around.  I say Hallo. One gets up, I ask if they have books in English, and he shows me a section.  Mostly thrillers, but I got another author, Patrick Rothfuss' The Wise Man's Fear. (can Rothfuss be his real name?) The owner speaks a passable English so then I asked him if he could order books for me?  Yes, he can.  We look up on the internet the Grossman books.  Yes, he can, and will, order them.  One comes in tomorrow and one in 10 days.  Life is good.  A way to get the books I want.  So I'm finishing up The Magician King.  It's one of those good books that you want to devour but you make yourself go slow so as not to finish it and have nothing. Now I can finish it.  Things fall into place.

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