Saturday, June 16, 2012

First of Irish Blogs

You may have wondered what I've been doing since my last post June 4th....well, we left on the 9th for Ireland and came back on the 14th.  I have now what I call 'bus butt' when means all those hours on the tour buses has taken its toll.  The bus seats are narrow and hard, just not shaped like I am. Today, I walked along the Main River to work out the kinks.  It's overcast, will probably rain later.  There are hundreds of ducks along the walking path, parent ducks and baby ducks, and a few swans who think they are foster parents of some of the ducklings.  The swans will attack and hiss, and so will some of the mother ducks.  I took my straw hat and when they run at me, I bat at them with my hat.  I was looking for one of the many Saturday flea markets, but wasn't successful in finding one.  It will take several blogs to cover Ireland.  But as a recap in this one, we flew Ryan Air which was only 40 Euro each round trip, but they charge a lot if you check any luggage so we each took a backpack for 5 days of traveling.  The trip was easy both ways.  Once in Ireland, we landed at Knock Airport, sort of in the middle of the Island and in the middle of nowhere, we took a bus to Galway.  A 1.5 hour trip.  Not bad.  In Galway, we stayed at a Youth Hostle called Carrib Village.  The river that runs through Glaway is the Carrib River.  We took the bus out to the Village.  Our room was on the second floor, clean and spare as it is a college dorm room.  Shared bath, kitchen and lounge down the hall with a t.v.  Steffi watched the soccor games on it when she could.  I think Germany is doing well in the playoffs.

We started our tours on day two.  Three tours in three days, rested on day 4 and came home on day 5.  More later.  Photos on separate page.

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